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more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Sunday 20 March 2011

day ten.

ooooh double figures, fancy.

i found myself on a car bonnet today, being tootled around a car park. i'm quite sure it wouldn't have contributed to my diet but i thought i would mention it anyway. thanks be to housemate sarah-jane, for locking the car door i wanted to get through. i had no option but to lunge in front of the windscreen before she sped off. bitch. so anyway i didnt have time for breakfast this morning. we ran out to a rugby event and stopped off at lidl on the way - grabbing some rolls and scotch eggs and doritos. munched on some in the stands and therefore violated the fruit-only aspect of my diet during the day. ill just have a cup a soup and some fruit for dinner. or i could quit being a bitch and go for a run. im gonna do it. its time to kick this shit up a notch and start exercising more. you'll be seeing just how effective the run was on tomorrow's post.

oh and finally, some scandinavian hoe gave me a massage at this rugby event and practically ripped out my shoulder blades. christ, i quite fancied hitting her with a construct-it-yourself chaise longue from ikea. shout-outs go to jennie blows and her housie michelle.

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