you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Friday 18 March 2011

day eight.

i have to do this diet now regardless of whether i want to or not. i have no money left. zilch. so i'm working off what i have left in my cupboard. i havent eaten as of yet - i'm at uni with an iranian bird and we've just finished our only seminar of the day. it's raining like a motherbitch so i don't particularly want to cycle home, but at the same time i really gots to get some kiwi into my person. im thinking dinner tonight will be soup (again). or maybe a cheeky pasta dish. i'd also go for the run i desperately need but rose (some big friend) is coming over for slumber parties. what's wrong with me - any excuse. but i soldier on, dear singular lonely foreign person reading my blog.

and i still haven't found the rowntree.

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