you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Monday 14 March 2011

day four.

oh hai bournemouth. i figured today i'd get some serious hunger, i always do in the studenty bournemouth house. but after a banana for breakfast and no stomachy feelings whatsoever, i didnt much need lunch. jokes, i did anyway. i had an apple (christ it was enormous) and a tangerine, followed by a tin of tuna. yes, just on it's own. i even took the tin opener to uni and sat in the glorious sun with sara, reed, ben, alex and some fuckoff wasps and bees. we discussed japan.

for dinner i had a bowl of pasta. yess, i know, but in total it still adds to being way below my daily calorie intake. and it tasted bangin. megan and i are watching bad girls, but in a second i'm going on my first jogging session in bournemouth.. down the road and round the recreational ground. hopefully my housemate jodie will join me, but who knows. i feel good so far and hopefully it will laast. similar day tomorrow, but we'll see depending on this run. one thing's for sure, i'm gonna limber up beforehand this time. i'm not repeating the croydon cramps.

oh, and a lovely lady called holly gave me her tamagotchi today <3

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