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more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Monday 28 March 2011

day eighteen.

the weekend was not properly discussed. we pretty much drank for 72 hours, which is a fairly new experience for me. sunday morning was spent watching lesbian porn. i met a delightful clairvoyant whom i cant seem to find online, and managed to persuade half the triangle that i was a drag queen named olympia. new career choice y'all. i need to get home and keep this diet going since my eating habits here in bourneo have descended into eating butter and other available lipids. lollipops are also a new ting. furthermore, it doesnt help that sarah jane cooks tasty pork chops and does barbecues in the back yard. photoshopping has suddenly become an entertaining way to pass time between pate adventures. this blog is a little redundant for the meantime since now it really is one of those "this was my bullshit day" blogs. onwards and upwards though. im still less of a fat bastard than when i started it. only minimally mind - i still resemble the jabba thing from star wars.

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