you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Friday, 11 March 2011

day one.

i woke up and felt like this would be totally easy.

water has become my friend through these fad diets. i really feel like if you want to detox in any way, water is the key. (so if you really hate drinking it, get over yourself) i awoke feeling good and about to embark on a positive mission. glass of water. wasn't even particularly hungry. where i might've usually had toast (at about 2pm), i ate a banana, kiwi and a tangerine, with some watery cup-a-soup crap - doddle. oh yeah no snacking either. i returned to my blandly decorated bedroom in croydon to watch dead man walking (susan sarandon owned) and apply to work in the homeware department of asda. there's no knowing where that'll lead, but what came next was a bit of a wakeup call.

i usually manage the 3 mile run around the block past the horses with relative ease, but apparently the past 2 months have been troubling to my person. breathing ended out being difficult and i started to feel like that bird at the end of martyrs. still, i pushed on through. if you don't run then i highly recommend you start. you don't even need to be in the best of shape to build up a relatively good fitness level over a couple of weeks. you'll surprise yourself, you don't need to run far - just over 30 minutes.

fish and chips for dinner. it kind of sucked. but with less salt and sauce and whatnot, i'm keeping my dinners relatively the same, just smaller over the course of this thing. more water.

apparently i misplaced half my day - i guess i need to get more into the swing of this. oh, and i didn't weigh myself today, i'll leave that til tomorrow. i'm giving myself until day thirty to see how i look in the mirror. give or take a day of running. pretty soon other forms of exercise will emerge.. and the much will begin to vanish.

the search for the rowntree continues!

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