you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Saturday 19 March 2011

day nine.

blatantly never been as hungry in my life. for some reason today has seen me finish off a bit too much philadelphia and the biggest mac n cheese of my twenty years. i could easily go for a run right now too but im gonna wait til later. jodie and megan said theyd come too but only on their bikes. (well jodie will borrow mine cause its a chicks bike anyway. who knew there were gender specific bikes? yeah i know, everyone, except me when i was like, yeeah ill have that pink and purple one right there please mr. bike salesman. dickhead.)

so yahhh ive felt pretty good the last couple of days, except earlier when i caught myself in a mirror and thought, who am i kidding? maybe i do have body dysmorphia. after all, i do see rik waller staring back at me. still at it though, keeping under the amount of calories and whatnot. it smells of fart in here. x

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