you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

day twenty six.

sainsbury's sage-stuffed pork is the way forward. if my knees weren't weak from seeing tom flex his pecks, they are now. shit-long run on the treadmill at the gym (yes we really are going to the gym 5 days in a row, jokes) and then a spot of cross-trainery goodness. sophee lives over the road (shout out) so we went for convos before walking back up the irritant that is the hill leading to our houses. mmmm seriously that was good pork. i feel a bit achey today, i didn't the past two days but yeah today i do. its good though, i checked the scales this morning, the pounds are a-dropping oh avid fans ;)
i've started watching united states of tara. i love toni collette. and it's so good, not even mentioning the son's gay interest who is hot as shit. not as funny as nurse jackie but it makes for a lovely summer watch alongside retro revival of rollercoaster tycoon.

i'm still looking for the rowntree.

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