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more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Sunday 17 April 2011

day thirty four/thirty five

thirty four was standard. more or less. eating/running wise it was good, but because i can't particularly remember what i did during this day, its probably gonna have the least coverage out of any of the days in the blog. i started playing the sims 3 again though. my namesake river cypress got married and started doing up his lil house it was just divine.

with a school week left until the cruise (hai meg), it's onn. as ru would say, i've started my engine. like it matters, but i guess i'll be feeling good when we get our drink on. my life is pathetic. okay but then day thirty five saw me go to my aunt's crib in southampton and shit me did i eat. i mean i was hongrry. i think it was because i woke up at 9.30 or some shit. i was not happy - sister act 2 in the back of the car cheered me up though. right right right so running has become much harder recently.. and i have no idea why. i mean halfway through the route i feel as if i want to just keel over. maybe i started eating something which makes me feel bloated or whatever. grosss. sarah-jane bought me movie trivia cards <3

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