you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

day thirty three.


every once in a while something magical happens in the kitchen. this day was day thirty three on the 'ohright' piece o' crap blog, when julia lim took me and a bunch of chinese deliciousness to al's new place, whence we had a mountainous bowl of noodle, wan ton chicken veg soup with extra wan tons and a pile of rice that we didn't even eat. photo evidence is below. they gave me most of the noodles... apparently they didn't want any. and then my bowl became a dumping ground for refugee wan tons. it was another of julie's 'i'll just wing this cooking process and hope that they don't know that it's not real chinese food but still tastes bangin'. the first example of this being several years ago when she whipped up a chicken stir fry that was just heavenly. what a babe. anyway today we were supposed to go to babylove and grind our asses down to the floor with clare palmer, but her car broke down. what a pile of bish. a run later... we'll see how that goes.

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