you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Friday, 8 April 2011

day twenty seven/twenty eight.

tiger tiger gets a bad rap. it might be in croydon and be full of annoying sluts but if you're drunk it's really just a maze of glittery goodness. i forgot there were like, tunnels leading through the different rooms. anyway yesterday we went there, and the inevitable happened. at least i think it did since my morningy drunk burps had a little hint of chicken in em. as did my shitty phone's greasy buttons. butters. that wouldnt have been so bad but today i got that hangover feeling where you just dont care if you eat like an ethiopian trapped in a lidl overnight. maybe tomorrow ill go for another run. i tried to do the whole week but i just couldn't be arsed today. gonna get my drink on again tomorrow so we will see, we will see. ellie barron said i'd lost weight (oh hai), but then only said it like an afterthought having mentioned that she reads this shithot blog. it was pretty embarrassing for all concerned.

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