you came to visit.

more than anything that you would care to read, i find myself developing this blog as public exposure to my much-needed image adjustment. one feels that it might prevent a 'crash and burn' situation.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

day thirty six.

oh just the best run ever! i dont usually do it during the day but today i figured id go round before dinner. since you're supposed to exercise before you eat right? i even took a new playlist with me, which includes that new gaga tune which i actually really like ohchrist as well as a bunch of eurovision songs from this year ahaha oh jesus. one of them is even performed by jedward. if i didn't fancy ireland much before i definitely dont now. but hell i like their entry. today i'm seeing mi amore in the queens gardens in croydon <3

Sunday 17 April 2011

day thirty four/thirty five

thirty four was standard. more or less. eating/running wise it was good, but because i can't particularly remember what i did during this day, its probably gonna have the least coverage out of any of the days in the blog. i started playing the sims 3 again though. my namesake river cypress got married and started doing up his lil house it was just divine.

with a school week left until the cruise (hai meg), it's onn. as ru would say, i've started my engine. like it matters, but i guess i'll be feeling good when we get our drink on. my life is pathetic. okay but then day thirty five saw me go to my aunt's crib in southampton and shit me did i eat. i mean i was hongrry. i think it was because i woke up at 9.30 or some shit. i was not happy - sister act 2 in the back of the car cheered me up though. right right right so running has become much harder recently.. and i have no idea why. i mean halfway through the route i feel as if i want to just keel over. maybe i started eating something which makes me feel bloated or whatever. grosss. sarah-jane bought me movie trivia cards <3

Thursday 14 April 2011

day thirty three.


every once in a while something magical happens in the kitchen. this day was day thirty three on the 'ohright' piece o' crap blog, when julia lim took me and a bunch of chinese deliciousness to al's new place, whence we had a mountainous bowl of noodle, wan ton chicken veg soup with extra wan tons and a pile of rice that we didn't even eat. photo evidence is below. they gave me most of the noodles... apparently they didn't want any. and then my bowl became a dumping ground for refugee wan tons. it was another of julie's 'i'll just wing this cooking process and hope that they don't know that it's not real chinese food but still tastes bangin'. the first example of this being several years ago when she whipped up a chicken stir fry that was just heavenly. what a babe. anyway today we were supposed to go to babylove and grind our asses down to the floor with clare palmer, but her car broke down. what a pile of bish. a run later... we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

day thirty one/thirty two.

the planets have shifted. or something. i suddenly get the urge to indulge in sweets, which is weird for me since i don't really like them. i've become averse to exercise and prone to playing games on my pc which i haven't touched since i was about 12, 'theme park', 'monopoly world cup 98', 'sim tower' and 'clue classic' to name a few. water being my dear friend is the only aspect of my existence which has remained into yesterday/today. the housemates came over for garden fun yesterday (shout outs) and i helped myself to many a millionaire shortbread thing. why do i suddenly desire chocolate. i need to stick to rupaul's words of wisdom: "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". i need to kick back into gear since the cruise occurs at the end of next week. hollahh.

Sunday 10 April 2011

day twenty nine/thirty.

people came over and we drank and ate and i enjoyed a carton of milk. and no one needs to know that i'm going to be *drinking* a carton of custard in a moment, because i damn well fancy it. back to rollercoaster tycoon.

Friday 8 April 2011

day twenty seven/twenty eight.

tiger tiger gets a bad rap. it might be in croydon and be full of annoying sluts but if you're drunk it's really just a maze of glittery goodness. i forgot there were like, tunnels leading through the different rooms. anyway yesterday we went there, and the inevitable happened. at least i think it did since my morningy drunk burps had a little hint of chicken in em. as did my shitty phone's greasy buttons. butters. that wouldnt have been so bad but today i got that hangover feeling where you just dont care if you eat like an ethiopian trapped in a lidl overnight. maybe tomorrow ill go for another run. i tried to do the whole week but i just couldn't be arsed today. gonna get my drink on again tomorrow so we will see, we will see. ellie barron said i'd lost weight (oh hai), but then only said it like an afterthought having mentioned that she reads this shithot blog. it was pretty embarrassing for all concerned.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

day twenty six.

sainsbury's sage-stuffed pork is the way forward. if my knees weren't weak from seeing tom flex his pecks, they are now. shit-long run on the treadmill at the gym (yes we really are going to the gym 5 days in a row, jokes) and then a spot of cross-trainery goodness. sophee lives over the road (shout out) so we went for convos before walking back up the irritant that is the hill leading to our houses. mmmm seriously that was good pork. i feel a bit achey today, i didn't the past two days but yeah today i do. its good though, i checked the scales this morning, the pounds are a-dropping oh avid fans ;)
i've started watching united states of tara. i love toni collette. and it's so good, not even mentioning the son's gay interest who is hot as shit. not as funny as nurse jackie but it makes for a lovely summer watch alongside retro revival of rollercoaster tycoon.

i'm still looking for the rowntree.